Lincoln City Christian School

A place where your child can grow.


Dear Parents,

I wanted to take a moment to discuss the importance of good attendance and punctuality in your child's academic journey. As we all know, education plays a vital role in shaping their future, and regular attendance is a key factor in their success.

Research has consistently shown that students with good attendance tend to perform better academically. When students are present in the classroom, they have the opportunity to actively engage with the material being taught, participate in discussions, and collaborate with their peers. This active involvement leads to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and enhances their overall learning experience.

I would like to emphasize that aiming for nine or fewer absences throughout the school year is considered ideal. Of course, we understand that occasional absences due to illness or other unavoidable circumstances are inevitable. However, consistent attendance ensures that your child does not miss out on valuable instruction and helps them stay on track with their learning.

Equally important is being on time. Punctuality is a life skill that goes beyond the classroom. By arriving on time, students develop a sense of responsibility, discipline, and respect for others' time. It also allows them to settle into the learning environment smoothly, reducing unnecessary stress or disruption. It also enhances their self-esteem by reinforcing their importance as a part of the school and class.

Additionally, being punctual teaches students the importance of meeting deadlines and commitments as they grow into contributing members of society. These skills will serve them well in their future endeavors, whether it be in higher education or the workforce.

As parents, your support and encouragement play a crucial role in fostering good attendance habits in your child. Here are a few suggestions to help promote regular attendance and punctuality:

1.    Establish a routine: Set consistent bedtimes and wake-up times to ensure your child gets enough rest and can start their day without rushing.

2.    Plan ahead: Encourage your child to organize their school materials and pack their bags the night before. This will help minimize morning stress and ensure they are prepared for the day ahead.

3.    Communicate with the school: If your child needs to be absent due to illness or other valid reasons, please notify the school promptly. This allows us to keep track of their attendance and provide any necessary support.

4.    Reinforce the importance of attendance: Have open conversations with your child about the value of attending school regularly and being on time. Help them understand how it contributes to their academic growth and future success.

We are committed to providing a nurturing and supportive learning environment for your child. By working together to prioritize good attendance and punctuality, we can ensure they receive the best possible education and develop essential life skills.

Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in your child's education. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Warm regards,

John McCombs


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