Lincoln City Christian School

A place where your child can grow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is your school accredited?
Yes, by the Accrediting Association of Seventh-day Adventist Schools, which is a member of the National Council for Private School Accreditation. This means you can transfer from our school to just about any school in the USA.

I'd like my child to attend your school, but they're on an athletic team at Taft.
No problem -- the local public schools welcome our students on their teams.

Is there any way to reduce the cost of attending your school?
About a third of the actual cost is subsidized by the Seventh-day Adventist Church -- and to apply for scholarships, contact the school and ask about “FACTS."

I'm a little nervous about my child attending a church school.
We respect the beliefs of every family who attends our school -- and for what it's worth, most of our students are not members of the Adventist church, and many are not members of any church.  But if you have specific questions and concerns, then please contact our school; we'd be happy to talk with you about this.


What about school closures?
If the weather shuts down Lincoln County schools, then we're closed too. If they've delayed openings in Lincoln City schools, then we're delayed by the same amount. For more information, go to the website for KWCH.